Fraternal Greetings Brothers,
On December 5, 2024, our stated business meeting was held. Thirty-five brothers were in attendance. The Past Masters and the current and past Grand Lodge officers were introduced. Health and happiness were discussed and prayers were said for those mentioned and not mentioned. Minutes from November were read and approved. Correspondence were then read and attended to accordingly. Voting then took place for a demit for a brother going to Cayce lodge. All were per by-laws of the lodge. Also taking place was voting for two new candidates to join the craft.
Old business began with the Junior Warden discussing the cost of meals and the difference between what is spent and what is brought in from cost of meals. There was much discussion on both sides of the debate. A motion was raised to raise the cost of meals to $7.00. After a lengthy discussion the motion was tabled until next business meeting in order to give the craft time to think over the motion.
New business was the opened to the craft. JW Casey asked that attendees to the installation please ensure you were on the guest list. He asked that if were not and wanted to come to please let him know. A motion was raised and passed to provide $500 to the kitchen fund to offset the costs of meals that the lodge does not collect payment for, such as breakfasts, installation, and awards night.
The secretary’s report followed by the treasurer’s report were then given. A Mater’s proficiency was given by brother Colby Fuller. He did an excellent job. We then proceeded to install the Junior Deacon for the 2025 masonic year.
From the East:
“Brothers, it has been an honor and a pleasure to sit in the east as the master of the lodge for 2024. As MOL, this year, I have had changes in my life, such as becoming more humble, thankful, and compassionate for our brothers from all over. Learning the tasks of "running the lodge" has been busy and rewarding for me. A huge responsibility of keeping our lodge in a positive direction occurred every day. It was with the help of our RW's and PMs that we were able to get our work done. Our Brothers are to be applauded for being the men that we are known for. We are being led by some awesome officers, and the lodge is left in good hands. It was a real honor to serve. May God bless every brother, and may he continue to bless our lodge.”
Thank you to the brothers, family, and friends that attended the installation. I hope that you enjoyed the meal. The newly installed officers and myself appreciate your support and look forward to the next year.
Steven Lourigan Senior Warden
December 14- lodge use by brother
December 21- lodge use by brother
January 2- First business meeting of 2025 year
January 25, 2025-Instructional meeting @Boyleston Lodge 8 am