Greetings Brothers,
Here we go, jumping into February with both feet and a big splash. We had our Business Meeting with the threat of heavy rain and winds, but in spite of the elements we had a nice
After the normal opening with correspondence and reading of the minutes we balloted on 2 for EA, 5 for FC, 2 for MM, and 1 for Affiliation and all were elected. What a great busy start for the year.
Old Business
Under Old Business, JW Cole announced after much consideration of options, the first BBQ of the year will be held on Sat. April 4th. So preparations such as filling the fire pits, etc, are starting.
Also, as we have been doing for several years, RW Ron reminded us that the first Adopt-a-Highway litter pickup is Sat.8th starting with breakfast at the lodge at 7:00 am.
(As I’m writing this 2 of the aforementioned tasks have been completed. I’m proud to say we had a very good turnout for the Adopt-a-Highway and most of the group stayed and finished filling the pits. Great job to all!!!!!!)
New Business
In New Business, WB Carl Sellers read the Lodge Annual Report, which went well, and reminds us what a great job our Secretary and Treasurer are doing.
To continue New Business, RW Ron is already planning our annual outing to the Columbia Fireflies baseball game. He already has the date of May 23rd and has a block of seats reserved.
In the spirit of promoting more family involvement, we are going to have a Lodge family picnic. This will be held on Saturday May 16th. This picnic will be held at a location on the lake with boat and beach access with lots of room for games, restroom facilities and fun. The Lodge will supply the hamburgers and hotdogs, iced tea and water and asking everyone to bring a covered dish (and desserts !!)
So far this year, we’ve had an excellent start with lots of degree activity, very good attendance and activities planned. There’s more in the planning stages so if you haven’t been to Lodge in a while come on out and join in. Remember this is your Lodge so come and take an active part of it.
Work for the Month
EA Degree - Thurs. Feb. 13th - Dine at 6:30 pm, Meeting at 7:30 pm
EA Practice - Wed. Feb. 12th - 7:00 pm at the Lodge
FC Degree - Thurs. Feb 20th - Dine at 6:30 pm Meeting at 7:30 pm
FC Practice - Wed. Feb. 19th - 7:00 pm at the Lodge
MM Degree - Thurs. Feb. 27th - Dine at 6:30 pm Meeting at 7:30 pm
MM Practice Wed. Feb. 26th 7:00 pm at the Lodge
I would like to thank Bros. Tom Reed, Albert Wayne Stoudemire, and Joe Russo for preparing a fine breakfast for the litter pickup. Also Bro. Ronnie Faircloth for supplying the log splitter, and Bro. Jackson Day for supplying the trailer for transporting the wood.
Again, I’m so proud of all the Brothers and family members who showed up and contributed. A job well done.
Jud Close
Worshipful Master, 2020 & 2021
2020 & 2021 Boyleston Lodge Officers
Worshipful Master
Jud B. Close
Senior Warden
Caleb Pozsik
Junior Warden
Cole Smith
RW Ron Lockaby
RW Bill Bouknight
Senior Deacon
Richard "Rick" Dillard
Junior Deacon
Danny Hughes
Christopher Johnson
Senior Steward
Chris Faircloth
Junior Steward
Michael Roberts
Frank Eargle