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February 2023 Trestle Board

Writer's picture: Jud CloseJud Close

Greetings Brothers,

Here we are in a wet period of time and I hope no one has grown web feet. We had our Stated Meeting last Thursday and it was moderately attended on a dreary rainy wet night. At least we ate well and there was plenty of food for everybody. We opened the Lodge in the usual manner and for the first time in a while had no new petitions to read, but we did proceed to vote on (2) for the EA Degree, (2) for the FC Degree and (4) for the MM Degree and all were elected. As you see we have a busy month coming up.

The annual Audit Report was read by WB George Brown and everything was in fine order. A motion was made and seconded to accept, and the Lodge voted unanimously to accept it.

Also on the agenda was our first Chicken Barbecue of the year. Brother JW Steve has gathered most of the supplies needed and reported the chicken was ordered and will be .05 per pound cheaper. He has tickets in hand and would love people to start selling them. This is always the stressful part of the bbq thinking about sales and volunteers to help complete the task. Let’s all do our best to assist in making this another success.

The first thing we need to focus on for the BBQ is filling the pits with firewood. RW Bill and WB Bob Stump have started cutting wood in Bill’s yard. This is a helpful start but we need more wood to be cut and split. We are in need of a group of Brothers to help us. We need men with chainsaws, trucks, trailers and another splitter. Please help out even if it’s just loading trucks and the pits. The designated day to do this is Saturday, February 25th. We’re going to feed you breakfast at 7:00am and head out at 7:30am.

We have another project on the agenda and that is the ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY Litter Pickup. This we’ve been doing for many years and is a benefit to the community. The State picks the dates four times per year. The first one is February 11th. We’ll have breakfast at 7:00am and start at 7:30am. Of course the more volunteers the easier and faster the task. It usually takes one to 1 to 1 ½ hours and you’re on your way home. Think of it as your exercise for the day.

Brothers, think of our sick and infirmed, keep them in our prayers and give them a call. If you haven’t seen a Brother lately, give them a call. Invite them to come to a meeting with you. I’ve recently talked to several Brothers who have trouble seeing how to drive at night, give Bill or I a call and we’ll see what we can do to get you a ride.


Thurs Feb. 9th EA Degree Dine at 6:30pm Meeting at 7:30pm

EA Practice Wed. Feb. 8th 7:00pm at the Lodge

Thurs Feb. 16th FC Degree Dine at 6:30pm Meeting at 7:30pm

FC practice Wed. Feb 15th 7:00pm at the Lodge

Thurs Feb. 23rd MM Degree Ddine at 6:30pm (so we don’t stay to late the meeting will start at 7:00pm instead of 7:30pm)

MM practice Wed Feb 22nd 7:00pm at the Lodge

Saturday Feb. 11th ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY Breakfast at 7:00am pickup at 7:30am

Saturday Feb. 25th Wood Cutting Breakfast at 7:00am wood cutting 7:30am

Respectfully Submitted,

Jud B. Close, PM

Worshipful Master, 2023


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