Greetings Brothers,
Welcome to the year 2020, I just realized that it’s highly likely that my grandchildren will be around in the year 3000!!!!!! As you may notice, the TrestleBoard is coming to you in a different format. SW Caleb has a very full plate and has asked if someone else could take over and gave me the reins.
We had our first meeting of the year and it was very well attended. We were treated to our annual good luck dinner of pork chops, collards, black eyed peas to ensure we’ll have a happy, safe, healthy, and prosperous new year and let me be the last to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!
Our meeting went very well with all the new officers in place with the exception of our JD Danny Hughes, who has had some medical problems and should be back in about a month. Get better Danny, we’re all praying for you.
RW and Sec. Bill read the minutes and they were approved. He then read (2) Petitions for Membership and (1) Petition for Affiliation and committees were assigned. I must say that assigning committees went well and I’m proud of the Brothers who stepped up to do their part. We balloted on (3) to take their EA degree, (2) for Affiliation and all were elected.
The committees and Brothers serving on them were announced and the list of same are available at the Lodge for all to see and have.
The new officers who couldn’t make the meeting last month for installation were installed by WB Bob Stump.
RW Ray Boland gave the Masonic Education on the proper way to conduct a candidate and answered all questions pertaining to that.
The Secretary and Treasurer gave their reports and all bills have been paid and monies have been accounted for.
Work for the Month
EA Degree - Thurs. Jan. 9th - Dine at 6:30 pm Meeting at 7:30 pm
EA Practice - Tues. Jan 7th at 6:30 pm at the lodge.
FC Degree - Thurs. Jan 16th Dine at 6:30 pm Meeting at 7:30 pm
FC Practice - Wed. Jan 15th at 7:00 pm at the lodge
10th District Instructional Meeting (all officers required to attend) Sat. Jan 18th at
Boyleston Lodge - 8:00 am Breakfast will be served.
Square and Compass of the Midlands meeting at Boyleston Lodge - Thurs. Jan. 30th - Dine
at 6:30 pm, Meeting at 7:30pm
All Master Masons are welcome.
Brothers our own RW Ron Lockaby is President of the Square and Compass this year, so let’s give him the support he deserves. Square and Compass By-Laws state that the meeting must be over by 9:00 pm
Brothers, this is a new year, and let’s start out with a resolution to attend as many meetings as you can and enjoy the fellowship of the great group of guys who belong to our Lodge and visitors. I heard it said many times “I got out of the habit”, well let’s start a new habit.
Jud Close
Worshipful Master, 2020 & 2021
2020 & 2021 Boyleston Lodge Officers
Worshipful Master
Jud B. Close
Senior Warden
Caleb Pozsik
Junior Warden
Cole Smith
RW Ron Lockaby
RW Bill Bouknight
Senior Deacon
Richard "Rick" Dillard
Junior Deacon
Danny Hughes
Christopher Johnson
Senior Steward
Chris Faircloth
Junior Steward
Michael Roberts
Frank Eargle