Fraternal Greetings Brothers,
On January 2, 2025, our stated business meeting was held. Thirty-seven brothers were
in attendance. The Past Masters and the current and past Grand Lodge officers were
introduced. Health and happiness were discussed and prayers were said for those mentioned
and not mentioned. Minutes from December were read and approved. Correspondence were
then read and attended to accordingly. Brother Carl Moore provided masonic education, and it
was well received by the craft. His efforts are greatly appreciated.
Old business began with the Senior Warden further discussing the cost of meals and the
difference between what is spent and what is brought in from cost of meals. In the end, the
motion to raise the cost of meals to $7.00 was voted down.
New business was the opened to the craft. RW Ron is organizing the annual lodge get-
together for the Columbia Fireflies again this year. The game will be on May 10, at 6:30 PM.
Tickets are $11 per person. Please let Ron know if you are interested. This event is open to
friends and family to join as well. JW Andrew brought up the condition of the kitchen floors. A
committee was appointed, and we are getting estimates to perform this work to be discussed
in a future meeting. WB Steve would like to repeat the Family Day event at the lake from 2023.
He has asked WB Jud to chair the committee to organize this event. More information on this
is coming.
The date of the spring BBQ fundraiser was set for March 8 th . In preparation for this,
Andrew has scheduled a work day to split wood and fill the BBQ pits for January 18 th . RW Bill
will try to have the wood moved to the lodge to simplify our efforts. Breakfast will be served at
January 2025 TRESTLEBOARD – Page 2 of 4
7 AM with work to follow. We will need as much help as we can get. Please bring your chain
saws, wood splitters, and especially strong backs!
The secretary’s report followed by the treasurer’s report were then given. One petition
was received before the meeting, and a committee of brothers will be performing the
We will be having an Entered Apprentice degree this month for 2 candidates on January
9. Practice will be held the Wednesday before the degree. Please come out and support the
candidates and your lodge.
It was not discussed during the meeting, but the Square & Compass Club of the
Midlands will be holding their quarterly meeting at Boyleston this month on January 30. These
meetings are open to all master masons. Masons representing all of the lodges in the 8 th and
10 th districts will be in attendance. Please come out and enjoy the fellowship with your
brothers throughout these districts. The meal will be served at 6:30 PM with the meeting to
follow at 7:30 PM. Per the bylaws, all Square & Compass meetings are required to adjourn by 9
PM, so it won’t be too late getting home.
The family of Brother John O’Neal has asked for Masonic Rites for his funeral this
Saturday, January 4. The funeral will be held at 3 PM at Barr-Price Funeral Home in Lexington
at 609 Northwood Rd, Lexington SC, 29072. The lodge will be open at 2 PM. Please come out
to support your brothers and their families. This is the last, and most important, thing we are
asked of for our brothers.
Casey McDermott
Senior Warden
January 4 – Funeral Services for John Oneal. Lodge open at 2 PM
January 8 – Officer practice for EA degree7 PM
January 9 – Entered Apprentice Degree
January 18 – Work Day: loading BBQ pits, Breakfast 7 AM, work to follow
January 25 – Instructional meeting @Boyleston Lodge 8 AM (mandatory for
all officers)
January 30 – Square & Compass meeting
February 6 – Business meeting, Official visit from RW Kyle Smathers