Hey Brothers!
On Thursday, May 5, 2022 we held our regular business meeting at our normal time with a great group of Brothers, a great dinner, and an unexpected treat from Linda and Glenn Amick! Thank you to the Amick’s for the wonderful desert and pecan pies! As we do during all of our meetings, we discussed health and happiness, sickness and distressed, correspondence received, and read the name(s) for any petitions we received. The Meeting Minutes from April 2022 were read aloud, Old Business was discussed, New Business was introduced, the Secretary’s Report was given, and the Treasurer’s Report was read.
The Lodge will be dark this month. However, we would like to ask that you please attend on Thursday, May 12th, 19th, and 26th at 7:00PM. Dinner will be served at 6:30PM. More details below. **NOTE** we will NOT be opening the Lodge for these dates.
New and Old Business:
Junior Warden, Brother Rick Dillard was happy to report that the first Chicken Bar-B-Que Fundraising Event during the month of March was a great success! The Lodge was presented with a huge Thank You and a large check. The money raised during these event(s) all go to the Lodge to help keep our dues low.
Mark your calendars, our next Chicken Bar-B-Que Fundraising Event will be held Saturday; August 13th , 2022. Preparation day will be Friday, August 12th, 2022. If anyone has any questions, please communicate with Brother Dillard at rdillard58@yahoo.com.
**Reminder** that Brother, Henry Cuevas has an opportunity for the Brothers of Boyleston Lodge to benefit from purchasing an active style polo shirt embroidered with a square and compass logo and the Boyleston Lodge name. As mentioned during our February and March Business Meetings, Brother Cuevas, with the help of Boyleston Lodge, is soliciting to its members and asking for their interest in purchasing one of these embroidered shirts. IF you would like to purchase one of the shirts please communicate directly with Henry Cuevas at henry.cuevas.11b@gmail.com or Boyleston Lodge at boyleston123afm@gmail.com. Boyleston Lodge will be assisting Henry with a mass communications email to better capture the Lodge’s overall interest. Please be on the look-out for an email to be sent.
**Reminder** that Right Worshipful, Brother Ron Lockaby also has an opportunity for the Brothers of Boyleston Lodge to benefit from purchasing a sport coat/ blazer jacket with an embroidered square and compass logo with the Boyleston Lodge name. As mentioned during our February and March Business Meetings, Brother Lockaby, with the help of Boyleston Lodge, is soliciting to its members and asking for their interest in purchasing an embroidered sport coat. IF you would like to purchase a sport coat please communicate directly with Ron Lockaby at rlockaby13@gmail.com or Boyleston Lodge at boyleston123afm@gmail.com.
The few maintenance items around the Lodge presented during the last couple of Business Meetings are continuing to progress forward. The Building Committee presented its final motion regarding the window coverings for the Cook Shed and the motion passed. The Committee and any volunteers will be installing removable metal panels (similar to metal roofing materials) on metal J-channel edge trim pieces, which will allow the panels to be slid in to place and secured when the shed is not in use or removed with relative ease when it is. If interested in assisting with the installation, please contact Jud Close at cjud914@gmail.com or Trey Meetze at johnmeetze@bellsouth.net. The removal of the white wooden fence which parallels the railroad tracks continues to be discussed and its replacement or alternative parking lot delineation method is still being deliberated. Several suggestions were offered during the Meeting and the Building Committee is/will consider each before making its final motion.
Chicken Bar-B-Que Planning Session(s) – Thursday; May 12th, 19th, & 26th
In an effort to better prepare ourselves, and to ensure these Fundraising Events are a continued success, the Lodge is appealing to anyone that has performed any task associated with the planning, preparation, or execution of the Chicken BBQ. For years the Lodge has relied on the commitment and leadership of a handful of Brothers that hold the information and expertise of deploying these events between their ears and behind their eyes. For this reason, we will be holding the first, of what will surely become many, planning sessions to document and extract this information so it can be properly passed down for years to come. During these planning sessions we will be asking for items and information such as; recipes, tasks, requirements, timelines, sequencing of events, personnel needed, instructions, etc. Please view this as an opportunity to come together, enjoy the fellowship, and pave the way for the future of Boyleston Lodge. We will limit these sessions to an hour and a half maximum, with an anticipated departure time around 8:30PM.
Dark – No ritual work
Thursday; May 12, 19, 26: Chicken BBQ Planning Session(s):
Dinner will be served at 6:30PM, Planning sessions will begin at 7:00PM in the dining room or Lodge meeting room (dependent upon attendance size)
Saturday; May 21, 2022: Adopt-a-Highway Litter Pick-up:
Lite Breakfast will be served at 7:00AM, Litter Pick-up will begin at 7:30AM
Saturday; May 21, 2022: Prepare, Cook, and Serve Lunch for Grand Lodge: Brothers who may be unable to participate in the Adopt-a-Highway Litter Pick-up but would like to help in other ways are asked to help prepare, cook, and serve Hamburgers and Hot Dogs for Grand Lodge. Cooking will begin around 8:00AM. Approximately 8 to 10 Brothers are then needed to travel to Grand Lodge in Lexington to serve Lunch around 11:45AM~12:00PM. Anticipate returning to Boyleston Lodge around 1:30PM for clean-up and final departure around 2:00PM.
Saturday; June 11, 2022: Work Day/ Wood Cutting & BBQ Pit Loading: Meet at Boyleston Lodge at 7:00AM
Hope to see you soon!
Respectfully Submitted,
Caleb Pozsik
Worshipful Master, 2022
2022 Boyleston Lodge Officers
Worshipful Master
Caleb Pozsik
Senior Warden
Robert "Rob" Woods
Junior Warden
Richard "Rick" Dillard
RW Ron Lockaby
RW Bill Bouknight
Senior Deacon
Steven Lourigan
Junior Deacon
Trevor Edwards
Andrew Wright
Senior Steward
Casey McDermott
Junior Steward
Chris Slaughter
David Eisenhower