Fraternal Greetings Brothers,
It has been a crazy few weeks for the lodge with funerals and memorial services. Please keep those families in your prayers.
On November 7, 2024, our stated business meeting was held. Forty-two brothers were in attendance. The Past Masters and the current and past Grand Lodge officers were introduced. Health and happiness were discussed and prayers were said for those mentioned and not mentioned. Minutes from October were read and approved. Correspondence were then read and attended to accordingly. Voting then took place for a demit for a brother going to Summerville lodge. All were per by-laws of the lodge.
Old business began with the secretary stating all dues notices were mailed to the brothers. New business was then opened. A fifty-year award was presented to one of our brothers who could not attend the awards ceremony in October. A motion was passed to help a distressed brother in need for a donation of $1000. The hat was then passed around which garnered another $707. This brother was tearfully grateful. Senior Warden requested use of the lodge on either December 13, or December 14, 2024. Brothers voted favorably. Secretary and Treasurer then gave their reports which were satisfactory.
Voting for the officers for the next ensuing year then began and were voted on. Next year’s officers are as follows:
Worshipful Master- Steven Lourigan Senior Warden- Casey McDermott
Junior Warden- Andrew Wright Secretary- Bill Bouknight
Treasurer- Ron Lockabee
Please show your support for these brothers by attending and participating in lodge events. The Worshipful Master elect was then installed as well as the Secretary. If you are interested in starting your journey through the chair or would like a position, please contact one of the elected officers to get you on the right path.
We have an Adopt-a-Highway on November 16. Breakfast will be served at 7 a.m. and pickup will commence after that. Please come join us; many hands make light work.
Steven Lourigan Senior Warden
November 16- Adopt-a-Highway
November 23- Lodge use by brother
December 5- Business meeting
December 7- Installation of officers, 6 p.m. (RSVP will be needed for meal, officers shall be in coat and tie) More information to follow this week
December 13 or 14- lodge use by brother
December 21- lodge use by brother
January 2- First business meeting of 2025 year
January 25, 2025-Instructional meeting @Boyleston Lodge 8 am