Stewards are the foundational position for which all Master Masons must begin, as they start their journey as future leaders of their Lodge. Stewards assist all of the higher-ranking Officers indiscriminately, but more especially the Junior Warden. Learning both the workings of the Lodge and the art of accountability, the Stewards are the ever-ready and eager to assist understudies of our Fraternal organization. Seated in the South, to the left and right of the Junior Warden, the Stewards ensure that the Lodge is always prepared in a presentable and cleanly assembled arrangement. They assist in the collection of dues, ensure that the dinning area tables are properly furnished during periods of refreshment, and verify that all candidates and Brothers are suitably provided for as they enter the Lodge. The Stewards are entrusted servants, appointed by the Junior Warden, as they become more involved with the business and diplomatic functions of the Lodge.
Stewards, like the Deacons, carry white rods, in imitation of England’s Lord High Steward’s rod in the House of Lords. The rods are also topped with the jewels of their office - the Cornucopia.
The Steward's jewel is the Cornucopia, or “Horn of Plenty”, symbolizing the nourishment, abundance, and wealth of their zeal and attachment to the Lodge.